If you have any feedback about our products, please fill out our form below.

    Purchase Date*

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    Purchased From SuperValu

    Purchased From Centra

    Purchased From Mace

    Product Name*

    Product Size

    Product Barcode

    Use By/Best Before

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    Issue Description*

    If Other, Please State

    Location of Sample*

    Details of Issue*


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    Your Title*

    Your Name*



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    By making this complaint you should be aware that Musgrave will use the information you supplied (including your name and personal data supplied by you) to process the complaint and we may pass this information (including your personal data) on to suppliers, agents and advisers who may be relevant to the complaint as it is within our legitimate interests to do so. Otherwise we may not be able to take any action in relation to the issues you raised. If you do not wish us to process your information in this way, we will endeavour to resolve with our supplier on your behalf.

    Write to us:
    Food Safety & Quality Team, Musgrave Head Office, Tramore Road, Cork

    Call us:

    0818 211840